Sunday, 30 January 2011

Trying SpaceNavigator and getting a suprise

I'm very new to using SpaceNavigator as you can prolly see for yourself. I was about to practice a bit today when I had a real cool surprise - and tied to what I had been talking about less than an hour before. Watch the video to see!

About the Navigator - I best get back to learning that now. Can't use the excuse of being new forever.

Thursday, 27 January 2011

Denny Waterfalls - another magic waterfall in Second Life™

This is Denny Waterfalls in the Mayan Jungle on Fort Serenity. I so love waterfalls and this is one of my favorites. I hope I can convey some of the magic feeling of standing next to it.

I know I still have a lot to learn about recording videos in Second Life. The camera movements are very jerky. Waiting for SpaceNavigator that I ordered two days ago. Hope that will help me move the camera smoother.

I did manage to merge two sounds - the music and waterfall sounds - in Audacity. 

Thursday, 20 January 2011

I made a video on YouTube!


Not my first video from Second Life really, but I feel I'm getting a little better at making them and this waterfall is soo lovely.I recorded this on Wiladma Island on Fort Serenity Estate. If you wonder who builds wonderful falls like this it's Major McCaw.

Saturday, 15 January 2011

A Coati on Fort Serenity

The landscape on Fort Serenity is a Mayan jungle. It's fun to find animals that aren't too out of place in the landscape. The latest additions are these little coatis. Never heard of a coati? I hadn't, so I looked them up,, says they are about the size of a large house cat, have sharp teeth and eat all kinds of icky things.

Saturday, 8 January 2011

A forgotten blog!

I'm obviously not a very regular blogger. BUT it's a new year and a good time to become a better me.

Wish I had published more pictures in 2008. My HD broke down since then and loads of snaps were lost.

Wiladma is still there tho and my snaps folder is filling up again.

The mallard family is still there :o)