Saturday, 24 September 2011

We will get mesh in Phoenix - soon

We will get mesh in Phoenix. We won't be able to import mesh with Phoenix but to use it and see it. All this thanks to Henri Beauchamps and his work with the Cool VL viewer. And Ansariel Hiller who's got the code into the Phoenix build.

All of us that likes the v1 interface have a lot to thank them for, but so do those that want to use mesh on the grid. It can't be much fun to build or try to sell objects most users can't see.

Read more about it here on the Phoenix site. Of if you can't wait for mesh in Pheonix, try the experimental version of the  Cool VL Viewer.

My first Loch

Look at my beautiful little loch girl Nessa. Pink eyes to go with her pink paws and if she was just a tad greener she'd be a watermelon meeroo. If she has a baby boy meeroo that looks like her I'll name him Torley even if the green  is a little too pale.

Did I mention she's lazy?

She is all from our own breeding so needless to say I'm dead proud of her. She's got a handsome young loch boyfriend with dark mysterious eyes and we will hopefully have a bunch of little greenies chirping on Fort Serenity soon. 

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Pet-O-Matic Magic!

Well, more mechanic than magic really.

But the Pet-O-Matic is here now - the official Malevay auto-petter. Debated of course. Some are disappointed that it's created at all, petting should be a thing you do yourself.  Some are disappointed Malevay said they wouldn't make one and then did anyway. Some had the old (with dubious scripts) auto-petter and think this is way too expensive since you have to pay for the petting it does.  Many are happy to get a legal auto-petter.

While I myself would have preferred no auto-petter at all, I think this is not such a bad compromise. You will now have to pet, or pay to get the petting done. I do wish Malevay felt more confident in enforcing the game as they intend it, but I suppose it's the price for having a company that listen to their customers. We're not spoiled with that and it sure has it's advantages too.

That meeroo on the Pet-O-Matic looks
kinda mischievous?
AND - it's really hard not to like the Pet-O-Matic when you see it. It's adorable.

It's made out of an old box and a wonderful - if somewhat greasy - oven mitten. The power comes from old batteries the clever Anthropologist that first found  the meeroos managed to somehow power with help from nature. Very mysterious, but to me how an ordinary battery works is a mystery too, so I don't mind.

How it works
You get the Pet-O-Matic for free from the main store in Roo. To make it work you need to load it with batteries (available from Roo and on the marketplace). The batteries come in four sizes:

  • Mega:     24 pets a day for 7 days   (L$575)
  • Large:     12 Pets a day for 7 days   (L$290)
  • Medium:   8 pets a day for 7 days    (L$195)
  • Small:       4 pets a day for 7 days    (L$100)

You can set the frequency in the menu, so it pets more often and then doesn't last as long. Or less often and make it last longer. And you can pause it and resume again. It will pet all meeroos within a 10 meter radius and it doesn't make any difference how many they are. (To measure, make a cylinder 20x20 meters and hollow it or make it semi transparent. It can be set to pet your meeroos only or your own plus any fellowshipped meeroo.

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Yay! I got a Sula

Had to try my luck again, so I went to Roo and bougth three more nests. And there he was, the watcher of the North..

He is awfully pretty, isn't he? But they all are of course. With meeroos I tend to fall in love with them just by looking at them.

Now I have all four of them and no clue how to get them to give me their warning message.

Went to Roo last night and looked for clues there but I couldn't find anything. The crack in the ground from all those quakes is getting larger, the buildings are falling down and there was this meeroo statue home nose down.

If you want to give these dryads a visit they are on mainland in the region Ess. Just by the road, you can actually drive there. We have a limit to how many meeroos we are supposed to have on our sim, so these are housed with a friend.

No worries, even if they are just by the road they are very well protected.