Lucia is celebrated in Sweden on the 13th of December every year. Lucia with lit candles in her hair, and her maidens and star boys, brings light and hope to us all at a very dark time of the year. It's an old tradition, probably a mix of Christian story's about Saint Lucia and more heathen traditions.
And there are wonderful people in Second Life that arranges Lucia for us here too. Read all about what happens on this years Lucia and find updated links on PG Bergman's blog, Tina's Universum.
You may have missed the one that was held today tho - it was one day early. Beautiful - and fun - traditional and modern Christmas music was played and Kicki Spingflower sang the Lucia song. In a sim dressed in snow and ice. It was all very beautiful just like Lucia should be.
The beautiful Lucia crown is available for free at CurWay Mainstore in Second Life.