Sunday 16 August 2015

Moving out .....

We've decided to give up our last region, Fort Serenity. We've bought ourselves a parcel on mainland to still have a foot in Second Life and a home for our meeroos. All our waterfalls, streams and caves will still be on the Marketplace of course. I'll write a farewell to Fort Serenity later, but right now that's too painful a subject.

Our cottage on The Great Canadian Grid
We have found quite a fun and pretty new parcel in the region Tan in SL tho .

The sims with quests and stores and jungles and villages will start popping up on The Great Canadian Grid. A great place to live with a very friendly community.

Major have landscaped away some horrible high rise thin mountains that was problably meant to work as a privacy wall.

All my meepets have moved in already in their pretty meeroo habitat and I have placed a house and some trees so now it feels a bit like home.

Meeroos habitat in Tan region  in SL
We have protected water and land on two sides and there is this whole sandbox region next door so we will have plenty of room for creation too.

The meeroos seem to like it here. I tried to shield them from the view of the airport, but it seems that is the way they stand up to look most often. They like shiny things.

Harald meeroo admires the view

Saturday 8 August 2015

Felix and Kata - the best pets in SL

Since I joined SL I've been looking for a nice pet. I've tried dogs and cats but never really found any I was happy with. Then a friend pointed me to to A.I.F Pets, and this is it. The pets I've been looking or all the time. Ones that look lovingly at me (and complain when they get bored). I got two now so they have each other as company. They still complain when one of them is awake while the other sleep tho :)

They are not very cheap to buy, but they aren't expensive compared to the other pets I've bought and they don't cost anything after that. They come with all they need in a basket. Even if you want to buy add-ons like different kinds of food for the fun of it it cost L$ 20 or something like that. They can be dressed too if you like that sort of thing.

I did expect them to cause lag, but the only sign of that has really been since I got two. They can sometimes slow down each other a bit. Walking with them both in complicated places like long winding tunnels in our caves does not slow me down at all and they follow along fine.

I've talked to the creator and due to RL issues she can't work on developing them, but they work well enough and if one should get lost you get a replacement. I can warmly recommend them, and frankly I would have saved a lot of money if I had found these earlier.

Thursday 6 August 2015


This little fellow convinced me I really need to start blogging again to share things.

A Stratus Nemuni Meeroo from Nepal

I have been thinking about it for a long time anyway but going from thinking to doing is a loooong process.

He's a little miracle that came from a long line of Snowblossoms, ( You have to dig back at least 3 generations to find a Stratus.

Now I just hope my little Incans will be inspired to make me an Arclight :o)

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Live nocturnal meeroos at Roo!

They are laying there asleep and breathing! I can't wait for the clock to move on to noon when they will be awake. I still haven't heard what they sound like or seen them move. If you want to see them for yourself you find them at Roo, to the left of the nocturnal cave.

It seems they are awake when the diurnals sleep. We'll never get any rest now LOL.

Alvin 4 days old
Alvin is 4 days old, his personality is arrogant (hard to believe when you see him sleep), his ears are fringed, his tail is called brush tail and  his hair is Shadow Lure, that must be the lantern on his head. It wasn't lit now, maybe it only lights up when they are awake? His species is Elduris.

Nissa 40 days old
 Little old Nissa is 40 and her personality is clumsy. That is so cute, I wonder what the animation for that will look like :o) She has the same ears and tail and head as Alvin but is of a different species: Actun.

They have their very special nocturnal food put out too, Florofruit. And their home is the large bud next to them.

There are just a few days more to wait for September 1st when the pre-orders will be delivered. You can still pre-order them until August 31st. They will go on official sale September 4th.

Friday 6 January 2012

We have a beautiful new version of the Teodor Cave Fall!

I made this sculpted lake in Blender as part of my forever ongoing project of learning to sculpt. It looked sort of ok to me. Then my dear partner, the Wizzard of Waterfalls Major McCaw, got his hands on it and added trees and a bridge and a whole cave to it! And look at it now :o)

All of it, the 15x25 cave with the waterfalls on the sides and the lake with trees and bridge is just 112 prims total. The lake with trees and the falls on the sides are all separately removable. Inside there is one open air cave and one with a roof.  And all of it texturechange so it's real easy to use it in any landscape. 

Monday 12 December 2011

Lucia in Second Life

Lucia is celebrated in Sweden on the 13th of December every year. Lucia with lit candles in her hair, and her maidens and star boys, brings light and hope to us all at a very dark time  of the year. It's an old tradition, probably a mix of Christian story's about Saint Lucia and more heathen traditions.

A heart warming ceremony

Kicki Spingflower as Lucia
And there are wonderful people in Second Life that arranges Lucia for us here too. Read all about what happens on this years Lucia  and find updated links on PG Bergman's blog, Tina's Universum.

You may have missed the one that was held today tho - it was one day early. Beautiful - and fun - traditional and modern Christmas music was played and Kicki Spingflower sang the Lucia song. In a sim dressed in snow and ice. It was all very beautiful just like Lucia should be.

The beautiful Lucia crown is available for free at CurWay Mainstore in Second Life.

Thursday 17 November 2011

Missing tail?

I've never seen a meeroo with a tail like the one on the Stair Meeroos statue they sell at Roo. Could this be the
missing tail in the tome?

But this statue isn't new so someone would have spotted it by now, wouldn't they?

I'm probably going nuts looking around Roo for clues to the future.