Friday 11 February 2011

Warning - Alt avatars in Second Life™ are now being connected to your main account and published

If you visit or have visited a store that has the tool RedZone your alts will be public knowledge. I've yet to see a store announce that they use RZ, but it is widely spread and now they have a HUD version so they can go around and scan for our IP and place a cookie on our computer even when we are on our own land.

By all appearances Linden Lab condones this device. As a matter of fact judging from the aggressive attitude with threats of banning from the JIRA, when this was reported as a bug, I assume they even support the use of it. I'm most certainly not a lawyer and I do worry what this means for if someone finds a way to connect our RL information to our accounts. If LL don't risk a lawsuit over it I'm not sure they would act on that either. 

If it wasn't for the fact that RedZone is (so far) highly inaccurate, alts would already be rendered useless if you want to use them for privacy.  That will probably be fine tuned out sooner or later, so if you want an alt to have a chance to be private, don't bother. And if you already have alts with a somewhat shady second life, delete them.

I consider the identity of my alts private data. I don't care if they are totally innocent or not. It's MY choice who I share that info with. The people who need to know who my alts are already know.

Here is a publication of some of the stores that does NOT use the RedZone device if you want some safe shopping: Safe stores

Needless to say we don't use spyware in Fort Serenity Waterfalls Store and our sims Fort Serenity, Fort Serenity Ranch and Wiladma Island  :o)

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