Saturday 12 March 2011

How to use shadows in Phoenix Viewer in Second Life™

I managed to get shadows to work in Phoenix! It looks great, but it does slow down the FPS. I had no problems recording this video with PlayClaw tho.

Here's how to enable shadows:

  • Advanced menu (if you don't see it bring it up with Ctrl + Alt + D)
  • Debug
  • set RenderDeferred to FALSE  (default)
  • set RenderUseFBO to TRUE
  • set RenderDeferred to TRUE
  • set PhoenixShadowsToggle to TRUE

Graphics have to be set to Ultra to see the shadows. (Once I saw them I could lower to High, but that still gave me the same low FPS.)

When I disabled them I crashed first time, but the next time I started by setting RenderDeferred to FALSE before disabling the other two. That worked. I have no idea what those settings really do.

My own shadow didn't seem to be visible except where I had prim clothes. My boots cast a shadow. I'll have to experiment with that some other day.

I recorded the video on our porch in Fort Serenity where the Mayan Adventure begins. The Macaw parrots come from Animania.


NEO said...

Wow, do you have a strong computer ? i dont think i can do that on my 3 years old computer :-O

Wilma Philbin said...

I have a pretty new laptop, windows 7, 64 bits Core i5, med NVIDIA M330. It's not all that amazing tho.

If you haven't tried Kirstens Viewer you should. Lots better performance than anything else I've tried.

If it wasn't for the v2 interface, it would be a dream come true.

Gracie said...

Well, I Followed your instructions and got shadows on but it turns all my clothes see-through :P
Thanks for the info though

Anonymous said...

PhoenixShadowsToggle doesnt work in the latest version?