Wednesday 15 June 2011

Breeding Meeroos

A meeroo is infertile until it is 5 days old. So you will have to wait for both of them to reach that age. The text on the Status tab of the HUD will say IMMATURE.

They need to be in season. They go through Two Days Wait, 1 Days Wait,Raise, Peak and Fall. They will mate during Raise, Peak and Fall and it doesn't make any difference which one of them they are in.

All Meeroos all over the grid of the same personalities goes into season the same day, so when they are 5 days old they will slip into the schedule for their own personality.

Their personalities have to match:

They are a perfect match for the same personality + two more

If they are both the same personality it means they also match each others seasons best, which does make things easier.

When they are ready to mate the male will build a nest and wait for the female to come add a little Meeroo to it. There is love of course. In a cute PG way with hearts floating.

Once the nest has a Meeroo in it you can coax it or put it in your inventory. Unlike live Meeroos a nest can stay in inventory as long as you like.

Now begins a new wait. After they have made a nest they will both have to wait 5 days before they can breed again. The text on the Status tab will say TOO SOON until they are ready again. After 5 days they will enter the season schedule just like when they became mature.

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