Wednesday 22 June 2011

Fort Serenity Meeroo Ranch has opened

We - Major McCaw and Molly Wellesley and me - have opened a store where we breed our Meeroos. We sell the pretty and natural habitats with waterfalls, and nice little huts to use as covers for the nests. Meeroos love to hide themselves and any treasures they find under the huts so we made them go up and down on a single left click.

The water and rock in the habitats texturechange so they fit in any landscape. They come in different versions and sizes too. Major has added demos with rings to show optimal placings if you want more than one stump, which of course I have ignored in favor of a  pleasant chaos. I do have to admit tho, his meeroos seems to hang out quite happily anyway and it is a lot easier to pet his meeroos than mine :o)

We sell nests too of course.

Everyone is of course welcome to visit us and the meeroos just to say hi or look around. We have lots of different coats and traits now. Reds, Autumn, Sierra and Molly even has an Amber now.

This is the link to visit us.

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